NanoArt Fabrics - Patterns Collection
Transparence, Nano Holograms, Nano Palms, Once Upon A Time, Microporosity, Flamingo
About NANOdesign Studio
NANOdesign Studio was founded by Cris Orfescu to replicate patterns and structures from microscopic world in fashion design and daily life products. Orfescu creates and promotes NanoArt,
a new art discipline involving a 4-step scientific-artistic process: creation of molecular and atomic sculptures through chemical reactions and physical processes (nanosculptures) or discovery of natural molecular and atomic structures with artistic potential (nanolandscapes); visualization of these nanostructures with powerful research tools like scanning electron microscopes; capture of the scientific images; further processing of the scientific images using different artistic techniques to convert them into artworks showcased for large audiences. Orfescu combines the realism of the nanostructures with abstract colors to create unique imagery, bright, bold, sharp, and inventive that fit perfect the modern fabrics and contemporary/luxury fashion.

Artist - Designer
Founder of NANOdesign Studio
"NANOdesign is a new discipline at the design-science-technology intersections. Fashionable fabrics for Apparel and Home Decor and patterns for Electronic Accessories and Sporting Goods are designed by reproducing structures and patterns from nano world (molecular and atomic landscapes)" (Cris Orfescu). This is the art response to the emergent multidisciplinary Nanotechnology (molecular manufacturing) which deals with the synthesis, manipulation, and characterization of matter at the sub-100 nanometers level (1 nanometer = 1 billionth of a meter which is about one hundred thousand times smaller than human hair thickness).
"I bring the small world in front of my audience by visualizing with a scanning electron microscope the nanolandscapes and nanosculptures I create by chemical and physical processing. I capture the monochromatic scans in a computer and digitally paint and manipulate these images combining the realism of the scientific imaging with abstract coloring" (Orfescu).
Nano Fashion - Nanotechnology Inspired Fashion
NanoArt Direct Prints on Aluminum to Shield the EMF
NanoArt Direct Prints on Aluminum to Shield the EMF
Fashion design and EMF (Electro-Magnetic Field) shielding inspired by images of nanosculptures created by Cris Orfescu by manipulating matter at atomic and molecular scales through chemical reactions and physical processes - new art form, NanoArt